Sunday April 11, 2021, Second Sunday of Easter (B)
Gospel Jn 20: 19-31
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Thomas, called Didymus, one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Now a week later his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood in their midst and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name.
Ebanjelioa Joan 20: 19-31
19 Asteko lehen egun hartan bertan, arratsean, ikasleak etxe batean bildurik zeuden; judu-agintarien beldurrez, ateak itxirik zeuzkaten. Sartu zen Jesus eta, erdian jarririk, agurtu zituen esanez: «Bakea zuei». 20 Gero, eskuak eta saihetsa erakutsi zizkien. Pozez bete ziren ikasleak Jauna ikustean. 21 Jesusek berriro esan zien: «Bakea zuei. Aitak ni bidali nauen bezala, nik zuek bidaltzen zaituztet». 22 Eta haien gainera arnasa botaz, esan zien: «Hartzazue Espiritu Santua. 23 Zuek bekatuak barkatzen dizkiezuenei barkatu egingo dizkie Jainkoak ere; zuek barkamena ukatzen diezuenei, ukatu egingo die». 24 Tomas, Hamabietako bat, Bikia zeritzana, ez zegoen haiekin Jesus etorri zenean. 25 Elkartu zirenean, beste ikasleek esan zioten: –Jauna ikusi dugu. Tomasek erantzun zien: –Haren eskuetan iltzeen seinalea ikusten ez badut, eta nire atzamarra iltze-zuloetan eta nire eskua haren saihets-zuloan sartzen ez badut, ez dut inola ere sinetsiko. 26 Zortzi egunen buruan, etxean zeuden berriro ikasleak, eta Tomas ere bertan zen. Ateak itxirik zeuden arren, sartu zen Jesus eta, erdian jarririk, agurtu zituen esanez: «Bakea zuei». 27 Gero, esan zion Tomasi: –Ekarri atzamarra eta aztertu nire eskuak; ekarri eskua eta sartu nire saihets-zuloan. Eta ez izan sinesgogor, sinestedun baizik. 28 Tomasek erantzun zion: –Ene Jauna eta ene Jainkoa! 29 Jesusek esan zion: –Ikusi nauzulako sinetsi al duzu? Zorionekoak ikusi gabe sinesten dutenak. 30 Mirarizko beste seinale asko egin zituen Jesusek bere ikasleen aurrean, liburu honetan idatzirik ez daudenak. 31 Hemen kontatuak Jesus Mesias eta Jainkoaren Semea dela sinets dezazuen idatzi dira eta, sinetsiz, betiko bizia izan dezazuen hari esker.
Jesus is Alive in the Community
John’s account could not be more suggestive and challenging. Only when they see the risen Jesus among them, the group of disciples is transformed. The disciples were able to recover inner peace; their fears disappear, and they are filled with an unknown joy: all because they experience the life-giving presence of Jesus among them. It is only now, that they can open the doors and go out, because they have discovered that they are sent to live out the same mission of Jesus, which He had received from the Father.
The current crisis in the Church, her fears and her lack of spiritual vigor, may be the result of a very deep crisis. Often, the idea of the resurrection of Jesus, and his presence among us, is more a preached doctrine, than a lived experience of the presence of Jesus, which sends us to carry on with His mission. The Risen Christ is, yes, at the center of the Church, but His living presence is not rooted in us, it is not incorporated into the substance of our communities and does not inspire our pastoral projects and activities. After twenty centuries of Christianity, Jesus’ originality and radical message is not known or understood. Jesus is not loved and followed today passionately as he was followed by his disciples.
It is noticeable, right away, when someone or a Christian community live out as being inhabited by the invisible presence of the risen Christ. These communities, crafted in the image of Jesus, are not happy by only following routinely the guidelines governing ecclesial life. They have a special sensitivity to listen, to look around, to experience the memory of Jesus, and to apply the Gospel to their present historical context. These communities, challenged by the message of Jesus, carry on with the mission of Jesus to construct the Kingdom of God, by transforming themselves and the world around them.
Nothing can bring us today strength, joy and the creativity we need to face an unprecedented crisis, if it is not the living presence of the risen Christ. Deprived of His spiritual strength, we will not be able to liberate ourselves from our almost innate passivity; without His spirit, we shall continue with the doors and windows closed to the modern world; yes, we will continue following the “instructions” but without joy or conviction.
Where shall we find the strength we need to recreate and reform our Church? We need to convert to Jesus. We need Jesus more than ever. We need to live out our lives from His living presence among us, remembering at all times His way of looking at things; and more important, we need to let His Spirit be the inspiration of our actions. He is in our midst sharing with us His peace, joy and Spirit.
Jesús vive en la comunidad
La narración del evangelista Juan de hoy no podía ser más sugestiva, pertinente y desafiante. Es solo cuando ven a Jesús resucitado en medio de ellos, que el grupo de discípulos se transforma. Los discípulos pudieron recuperar la paz interior; sus miedos desaparecen y se llenan de un gozo indescriptible: todo porque experimentan la presencia vivificante de Jesús entre ellos. Es solo ahora que pueden abrir las puertas y salir porque han descubierto que son enviados a vivir la misma misión de Jesús quien la recibió del Padre.
La crisis actual en la Iglesia, sus temores y su falta de vigor espiritual, pueden ser el resultado de una crisis muy profunda. A menudo, la idea de la resurrección de Jesús y su presencia entre nosotros es más una doctrina predicada, que una experiencia vivida de la presencia de Jesús, que nos envía a continuar con su misión. El Cristo resucitado es, sí, el centro de la Iglesia, pero su presencia viva no está enraizada en nosotros, no está incorporada en la sustancia de nuestras comunidades y no inspira nuestros proyectos y actividades pastorales. Después de veinte siglos de cristianismo, la originalidad y el mensaje radical de Jesús no se conocen ni comprenden. Jesús no es amado y seguido hoy apasionadamente, como lo era seguido por sus discípulos.
Se nota, de inmediato, cuando alguien o una comunidad cristiana viven como habitados por la presencia invisible de Cristo resucitado. Estas comunidades, creadas a la imagen de Jesús, no se contentan con seguir rutinariamente las pautas que gobiernan la vida eclesial. Tienen una sensibilidad especial para escuchar, mirar alrededor, experimentar la memoria de Jesús y aplicar el Evangelio a su contexto histórico actual. Estas comunidades, animadas por el mensaje de Jesús, continúan con la misión de Jesús de construir el Reino de Dios, transformándose a sí mismos y al mundo que los rodea.
Nada puede traernos hoy la fortaleza, la alegría y la creatividad que necesitamos para enfrentar una crisis sin precedentes, como la presencia viva del Cristo resucitado. Privados de su fuerza espiritual, no podremos liberarnos de nuestra pasividad casi innata; sin su espíritu, continuaremos con las puertas y ventanas cerradas al mundo moderno; sí, continuaremos siguiendo las “instrucciones” pero sin alegría ni convicción.
¿Dónde encontraremos la fuerza que necesitamos para recrear y reformar nuestra Iglesia?
Necesitamos convertirnos a Jesús. Necesitamos a Jesús más que nunca. Necesitamos vivir nuestras vidas desde su presencia viva entre nosotros, recordando en todo momento su manera de ver las cosas; y más importante, necesitamos dejar que Su Espíritu sea la inspiración de nuestras acciones. Él está en medio de nosotros, compartiendo Su paz, alegría y Espíritu.