Artzai Ona, is an organization formed by Basque lay volunteers to help Aita (Fr.) Antton Egiguren OFM, in his missionary activity, to reach out all Basques in the West of United States. By walking together to encourage, help, guide, and inspire them to live out their Catholic Faith.
This ministry is expressed through three intertwined activities:
Celebration – liturgy and sacraments;
Formation – to gain intellectual and cordial knowledge of the faith; and
Diaconia – service, particularly the elderly, alone living, and sick members of our community.
Our laity organization is about keeping the Catholic in Basque identity.
Artzai Ona, Aita Antton Egiguren OFM, Estatu Batuetako Mendebal-aldeko euskaldunen aldeko misiolari lanean laguntzeko osaturiko erakundea bat da. Elkarrekin bidea eginez fede katolikoa suspertu eta bizitzen lagunduz, animatu eta gidatuz. Misio zerbitzu hau elkarren artean loturiko honako hiru ekintzen bidez adierazten da:
Ospakizuna – liturgia eta sakramentuak;
Heziketa – bihotzez eta buruz fedearen ezauera lortzea; eta
Diakonia – zerbitzua, batez ere adinekoak, bakarrik bizi direnak eta gure arteko gaixoak.
Artzai Ona does not intend to create a separate Basque Catholic entity or to pull Basques from their current parishes; our goal is to supplement efforts to strengthen the faith of Basque Catholics with periodic Basque community and religious services that are open to all.
We have taken the name of ARTZAI ONA, which in Basque means “the good shepherd,” to meld with the metaphor of Christ Jesus as the good shepherd.
Helping with this effort as he is able, is Fr. Antton Egiguren who is currently assigned to a parish in the Diocese of Fresno in California.
Ours is a voluntary organization. If you’d like to find out more about how to be involved, email us at