2022 Picnic Schedule
Please visit the Artzai Ona Facebook page to access the livestream of the Masses.
7 May 2022 11:00 PDT, Caruthers Fresno Basque Club Picnic – Diocese of Fresno
8 May 2022, Burns, Oregon – Diocese of Baker, Mother’s Day Dinner
15 May 2022, Los Banos, California – Diocese of Fresno, Fr. Antton will say Mass in person
29 May 2022, Bakersfield, CA – Diocese of Fresno, Fr. Antton will say Mass in person
5 June 2022, SFBC San Francisco, CA – Diocese of San Francisco
12 June 2022 9:00 AM PDT, Winnemucca, NV – Diocese of Reno, Fr. Antton will say Mass in person
26 June 2022, Txoko Ono Homedale, ID – Diocese of Boise
26 June 2022, Utah Basque Picnic, Salt Lake City, UT
3 July 2022 11:00 PDT, Elko Euzkaldunak Club, Elko NV – Diocese of Reno. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person.
3 July 2022 Southern CA Basque Club Picnic, Chino, CA – Diocese of San Bernardino
16 July 2022, Reno, Nevada – Diocese of Reno. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person.
17 July 2022, Euskal Club, Gooding, ID – Diocese of Boise
30 July 2022, San Inazio, St. John’s Cathedral, Boise, ID – Diocese of Boise
6 August 2022, Mountain Home, ID – Diocese of Boise
13 August 2022, Gardnerville, NV – Diocese of Reno. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person.
14 August 2022, Buffalo WY – Diocese of Cheyenne
28 August, 2022, San Francisco Cultural Center, Diocese of San Francisco. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person.
4 September, 2022 10:00 AM PDT, Chino Fairgrounds, Chino, CA. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person.
10 September, 2022 10:00 AM PDT, Paradise Valley, NV, St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person.
18 August 2022, Seattle, WA – Diocese of Seattle
25 September, 2022, Ontario, OR – Diocese of Baker
8 October 2022, Rockland Basque Picnic – Diocese of Sacramento
9 October 2022, Las Vegas Basque Picnic – Diocese of Las Vegas. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person.
3 November 2022, Omenaldia Santu Guzien Festa / Feast of all Saints, BCC San Francisco – Diocese of San Francisco. Fr. Antton will say Mass in person
1 November 2020, Omenaldia Santu Guzien Festa / Feast of All Saints
September 12, 2020, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Paradise Valley, Nevada
September 1, 2020, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Chino, California Basque Club
August 30, 2020, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Euskal-Etxeko Jaialdia San Francisco Basque Club.
August 23, 2020, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Seattle Basque Club
August 15, 2020, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Buffalo, Wyoming.
August 8, 2020 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mountain Home Basque Club
July 26, 2020, Loiolako San Inazio Eguna: Uztailak / Saint Ignatius of Loyola Boise Basque Center
July 19, 2020, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Reno & Gooding Basque Clubs
July 12, 2020, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2020, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Elko Basque Club.
June 28, 2020, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Homedale Basque Club.
June 21, 2020, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Aitaren Egunea / Father’s Day
June 14, 2020, Corpus Christi Egundea, Winnemucca Basque Club
June 7, 2020 – 9:00 AM PST, The Feast of the Holy Trinity, in honor of the San Francisco Basque Club, founded 1960.