The Lord’s Prayer

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Organist: Dr. Adán Fernandez, Director of Music, Holy Family Catholic Church (Glendale, CA)Sound Engineer: Amador Solis
Producers: Begoña Echeverria & Candida Echeverria

Gure aita zeruetan zirena
Our Father who art in Heaven

Saindu izan bedi zure izena
Hallowed by thy name

Etor bedi zure erreinua
Thy kingdom come

Egin bedi zure nahia
Thy will be done

zeruan bezala lurrean ere
On earth as it is in Heaven

Emaguzu gaur egun huntako ogia
Give us this day our daily bread
Barkatu gure zorrak

And forgive us our trespasses
Guk ere gure zorduner
As we forgive those

Barkatzen diegunaz geroz
Who trespass against us

Eta ez gu tentaldirat ereman
And lead us not into temptation

Bainan atera gaitzazu gaitzetik
And deliver us from all evil

Zurea duzu erregetza
For thine is the kingdom

Zureak ospe ‘ta indarra
And the power and glory

Orai eta beti
Now and forever