Birjina Gaztetto Bat Zegoen (Herrikoa–Zuberoa)
Gabriel’s Message (Basque Traditional—Zuberoa)
Vocals, Guitar and Synths
Vocals: Begoña Echeverria
Guitar & Synths: Mario Verlangieri
Producers: Begoña Echeverria & Mario Verlangieri
Instrumental: Guitar & Synths
Guitar & Synths: Mario Verlangieri
Producers: Begoña Echeverria & Mario Verlangieri
Organ Instrumental
Organist: Dr. Adán Fernandez, Director of Music, Holy Family Catholic Church (Glendale, CA)Sound Engineer: Amador Solis Producers: Begoña Echeverria & Candida Echeverria
“There was a young virgin”
Herrikoa / Basque Traditional (Zuberoa)Translation: Begoña Echeverria
1. Birjina gaztetto bat zegoen
Kreazale Jaonaren othoitzen
Nuiz et’aingürü bat lehiatü
Beitzen zelütik jaitxi
Mintzatzera haren.
2. Aingüria sartzen, diolarik:
“Agur, graziaz zira betherik
Jaona da zurekin, benedikatü
Zira eta haitatü
Emazten gañetik”
3. Maria ordian dülüratü
Eta bere beithan gogaratü
Zeren zian uste gabe ebtzüten
Zura agur erraiten.
Hanbat zen lotsatü
4. “Etzitela, ez, lotsa, Maria
Jinkoatan bathü’zü grazia:
Zük düzü sabelian ernatüren
Eta haor bat sorthüren
Jesüs datiana”
5. Harek, dülüratürik, harzara:
“Bena nula izan daite hola
Eztüdanaz gizunik ezagützen
Ez eta ezagütüren
Batere seküla?”
6. “Ezpiritü Saintiak huntia
Izanen düzü hori, Maria
Zü zirateke, ber ordian, ama
Bai et’ere birjina,
Mündian bakhoitza”
7. Mariak arrapostü ordian:
“Hao naizü Jinkoren zerbütxian
Zük errana nitan biz konplitü”
Jaona aragitü
Haren sabelian
8.O Jinkoaren ama saintia
Bekhatügilen ürgaitzarria
Zük gitzatzü lagünt
Bai Jinkoaren baita berthütiaren
Bihotzez maithatzen
There was a young virgin
Praying to the Creator God
When an angel descended
From heaven
To speak to her
He said to her:
“Greetings, you are full of grace
God is with you
You are blessed
Among women”
Then Maria became frightened
For she realized what this meant
But she did could not believe
What the greeting conveyed
And she grew fearful
“Do not be afraid, Maria
For you are blessed by God
You are with child
A child shall be born
Who will be called Jesus”
Frightened, she said:
“But how can this be?
For I do not know man
Nor will I know man
“The Holy Spirit
Will come upon you, Maria
So that you will become a mother
While remaining a virgin
The only one in the world”
Then Maria answered
“I am here to serve God
May what you say be fulfilled”
And God became flesh
In her womb
O Blessed Mother of God
Who protects us sinners
You help us
For God, in his virtue,
Loves us with his whole heart